
Generics are a way to write code that is independent of the specific types it uses. They allow you to write a single piece of code that can work with multiple types, rather than having to write separate code for each type. This can make your code more flexible, reusable, and maintainable.

Generics in Go were a controversial topic because the language did not support them at all. Many developers believed that the lack of generics was a significant limitation of Go, and there were numerous debates and discussions about whether or not the language should support them. One of the main arguments against generics was that they would make the language more complex and harder to learn. Go is known for its simplicity and minimalism, and some people feared that adding generics would compromise these virtues.

Others argued that generics were necessary for writing high-quality, reusable code, and that the lack of generics was a major drawback of Go. These developers believed that the benefits of generics outweighed any potential drawbacks, and that Go would be a better language with them.

We will be addressing generics gently in go, describing what have been used in the go community and what became available since generics landed in golang

Create a new project

mkdir golanggenrics && cd golanggenerics

Initialize the project

golanggenerics ~> go mod init codescalers/golanggenerics
go: creating new go.mod: module codescalers/golanggenerics

printing a slice of ints

What we want to do now is writing a simple function that only prints a slice of integers

let's create a main.go file

package main

import "fmt"

func printInts(ints []int) {
	for _, v := range ints {
		fmt.Printf("value %v\n", v)

func main() {

	ints := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}

run it with go run main.go and the output should be something like

value 1
value 2
value 3
value 4

Very cool, so now we managed to write a function that prints the items in an int slice. What if we wanted to do the same for a slice of floats? We can write another function printFloats as follows

package main

import "fmt"

func printInts(ints []int) {
	for _, v := range ints {
		fmt.Printf("value %v\n", v)
func printFloats(floats []float32) {
	for _, v := range floats {
		fmt.Printf("value %v\n", v)

func main() {
	ints := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
	floats := []float32{1.4, 2.1, 3.6, 4.21}


the output

value 1
value 2
value 3
value 4
value 1.4
value 2.1
value 3.6
value 4.21

so now we can print slices of ints and slices of floats! we managed to do so by some code duplication, code still simple, and maintainable,.. etc

Is there another way we can make it work using just one function, instead of defining a function per type? Well.. we can move to interfaces and type assertions as follows

func printAnything(aslice interface{}) {
	switch slice := aslice.(type) {
	case []int:
		for _, v := range slice {
		fmt.Printf("value: %v\n", v)
	case []float32:
		for _, v := range slice {
		fmt.Printf("value: %v\n", v)
func main() {
	ints := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
	floats:= []float32{4.11, 2.52, 3.29, 4.0}
	fmt.Println("printAnything: ints")
	fmt.Println("printAnything: floats")


while this function now accepts the empty interface, we have embedded the code from printInts and printFloats into it and handled each type case

the output will be

printAnything: ints
value: 1
value: 2
value: 3
value: 4
printAnything: floats
value: 4.11
value: 2.52
value: 3.29
value: 4

At least now the API seems to be smaller, just one function printAnything can replace both printInts and printFloats

Still one more problem though, we can pass other data types to printAnything function without providing the right implementation, at least when we had printInts or printFloats the user had an idea what is actually supported! Fine! let's add a panic to it.

func printAnything(aslice interface{}) {
	switch slice := aslice.(type) {
	case []int:
		for _, v := range slice {
		fmt.Printf("value: %v\n", v)
	case []float32:
		for _, v := range slice {
		fmt.Printf("value: %v\n", v)

One problem with our current code is we literally embedded the code of printInts and printFloats, we can do another improvement here by using reflection in golang

func printAnything(aslice interface{}) {
 	slice := reflect.ValueOf(aslice)
	if slice.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
	for i := 0; i < slice.Len(); i++ {
		fmt.Printf("value %v \n", slice.Index(i).Interface())
func main() {
	fmt.Println("printAnything: ints")
	printAnything([]int{1, 2, 3, 4})
	fmt.Println("printAnything: floats")
	printAnything([]float32{4.11, 2.52, 3.29, 4.0})
	fmt.Println("printAnything: string")

Here we removed the code duplication of the cases of []int and []float and now it even works for any slice e.g including strings and float32 as well, but will for any data type other than slices e.g printAnything("hello") will cause a panic.


printAnything: ints
value 1
value 2
value 3
value 4
printAnything: floats
value 4.11
value 2.52
value 3.29
value 4
panic: what??

Always remember you are sacrificing the typesafety when using the empty interface, and reflections always comes with an overhead.

There're other solutions including code generation, but it can get quite hairy

func printGeneric[T any](slice []T) {
	for _, v := range slice {
		fmt.Printf("value %v\n", v)

Here we defined a function printGeneric that takes a slice of type T, T is a type, that needs to be defined or your go project needs to know about, and here we immediately defined it after the function name between the brackets [T any]


try removing the brackets and see go complaining with undeclared name T. Another way is defining T separately with

type T any
func printGeneric(slice []T) {
	for _, v := range slice {
		fmt.Printf("value %v\n", v)

However, for convenience we can define T immediately after the function name to be func printGeneric[T any](slice []T)

update your main.go to be

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	printGeneric([]int{1, 2, 3, 4})
	printGeneric([]float32{4.11, 2.52, 3.29, 4.0})

Now what happens if we decided to pass a string instead of the slice? (which was allowed in all of the previous versions)? the code won't compile

Building a Box

Imagine that we want to create a new type representing a container that has just one value. Let's call it Box. With what we learned so far we can build customized types IntBox, FloatBox, .. etc

type IntBox struct {
	obj int

func (b IntBox) GetObject() int {
	return b.obj

type FloatBox struct {
	obj float32

func (b FloatBox) GetObject() float32 {
	return b.obj
func main() {
	mybox5 := IntBox{obj: 5}
	mybox3dot5 := FloatBox{obj: 3.5}



Still too much manual work that can be exhausting if you needed to support more types, we can go back to use the empty interface

package main

import "fmt"

type Box struct {
	obj interface{}

func (b Box) GetObject() interface{} {
	return b.obj

func main() {
	mybox5 := Box{obj: 5}
	myboxHello := Box{obj: "hello"}



Now our Box supports ints, floats and by luck also strings, that wasn't really intended. How can generics help us improving our code? and maybe adding some more constraints to make it work for certain types? e.g having NumberBox that can work for int32, int64, float32, float64 only?

Let's do the GenericBox first and then do the constraints

type GenericBox[T any] struct {
	obj T

func (gb GenericBox[T]) GetObject() T {
	return gb.obj

func main() {
	mygbox5 := GenericBox[int32]{obj: 5}

	mygbox3dot2 := GenericBox[float32]{obj: 3.2}

	mygboxstring := GenericBox[string]{obj: "hello"}

It helps a lot to reason about GenericBox as a type awaiting an argument to construct a new type. So for instance in the case of GenericBox[int32]{obj:5} as if GenericBox was a function that generates a new type GenericBoxInt32 that can have more parameters to initialize



Let's add the constraints for numbers box only NumberBox

type NumberBox[T Number] struct {
	obj T

func (nb NumberBox[T]) GetObject() T {
	return nb.obj

but wait a second, where does that Number type come from? Number is an interface that we can declare as follows

type Number interface {
    int32 | int64 | float32 | float64

Our main.go looks like this now

package main
import "fmt"

type Number interface {
 	int32 | int64 | float32 | float64

type NumberBox[T Number] struct {
	obj T

func (nb NumberBox[T]) GetObject() T {
 return nb.obj

func main() {

 nbox5 := NumberBox[int32]{obj: 5}

 nbox3dot2 := NumberBox[float32]{obj: 3.2}

 // nboxstring := NumberBox[string]{obj: "hello"}
 // fmt.Println(nboxstring)


So now we have a generic code for a Box that works on int32, float32, int64, float64 only, and if you try to make it work against string, you should see an error like string does not implement Number
